Visbiome GI Care Probiotic Review: Amazing Results

Visbiome GI Care

I’ve used the Visbiome GI Care probiotic over the past 2 years so it’s time to drop an unbiased review for those interested in this product.

Probiotics are such a subjective and personal product but I think you’ll be able to find a lot of value in my review as I go over formulation details, the logic behind the product, the cost, and of course my experience with the product overall.


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With probiotics, it’s really important to have a specific goal concerning why you’re taking a product in the first place. You don’t want to be spending time and money on something that you don’t need.

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Main Goal:

The marketing and research of the Visbiome GI Care product specifically is geared towards IBS and UC as well as a few other ailments. You can view their clinical research data here

Other Science:

There is also a really cool study on MS patients using Visbiome here although the results aren’t entirely clear. Another recent study on MDD (depression) patients using Visbiome.

I think probiotics and more specifically gut health as a whole is fascinating in terms of impacts on the whole body, brain, immune system, and skin, so seeing an individual product used in studies like this is really cool.

I think we’ll be seeing more data on gut health and probiotics ramp up in large amounts in the next few years to decades.

I personally was trying this product out to repair my gut overall, stabilize bowel movements and gut motility, as well as just to improve my gut health overall. 

I wanted something backed by science that was proven effective on some level, if I’m committing to take something and pay all the money I wanted to be all in.

You may or may not need the specific offerings this product has – carefully consider which probiotics might be the best for your goals and personal situation before purchasing. 

There are so many great brands coming out that are geared towards specific things. 

Just to offer some examples of other products I’ve used: Seed is more of a general “daily driver” type of product while something like Pendulum takes a more specific focus with new strains like Akkermansia and products targeting glucose levels.



If you choose to buy this product in bulk (4 packs) you can save a bit of money and using it will cost just under $58 per month. So it is relatively expensive but for a refrigerated medical-grade product I wouldn’t expect it to be any cheaper.

For nonbulk orders (1-2 bottles) you can just expect to pay slightly more. I love though that they don’t push a subscription model on you which a lot of other companies in the space do (at one point I had so many probiotics there was no physical way for me to consume everything that was being sent to me).

As for shipping I looked back into my old receipts and I’ve never paid for shipping – they ship on a set schedule depending on when you order and everything package is refrigerated.

If your package isn’t cold when it arrives at your home you will be able to tell because of a temperature monitor they include with every order – if the package gets too hot the marker will be red. All you need to do is quickly send an email with your information and they will send a replacement.

I’ve personally had one shipment arrive hot and I could tell even without the marker. Each package had previously arrived frosting cold with ice chips everywhere but this was like a hot ice pack. Again though the support was amazing and issued a new package overnight for me.

This is why I suggest buying in bulk though, it’s easier to just do this process a few times rather than buying one bottle monthly.

Overall for the product itself, free shipping as far as I’ve experienced, and amazing customer support I think it’s well worth the price personally.

Visbiome vs VSL#3:

Just as a quick information bonus this company is the original creator’s brand, he just seemingly had a falling out with the older company and took his formulation/patent to create Visbiome.

I was definitely confused because starting out in probiotics I had always heard of VSL#3 and how good that product was – but rest assured Visbiome is the real deal.

My Experience:

Like I said probiotics are really personal and something that may help me and my gut microbiome might not even make a difference for you.

Subjective Experience:

With that said – this is one of my favorite probiotics that I’ve tried so far throughout all of my experimenting. It’s the product I always default back to when I’m done with something new.

The reason I like this product so much is because I’ve always had irregular bowel movements, bloating after eating, etc – this product completely changes those things for me.

I take 2 capsules daily for monetary reasons (although I was trying up to 8 at some points) and the results are amazing for me. 

Consistent healthy bowel movements, less bloating, etc. I just feel overall as though my gut and digestion are healthy or “finally normal” when I’m using this product consistently. No other products (that I’ve tried) have been able to produce such positive changes for me.

I can’t attribute all the changes to this product because during this period I was also aiming to improve my diet and fiber intake but this product still takes the #1 spot over others I’ve tried.

I also experience no negative effects from this probiotic – that’s something you need to consider as well. Some strains of probiotics might increase histamines and make you itchy, might not mesh well with your microbiome, etc.


This is also one of the better-tasting probiotic supplements I’ve used. 

Of course, you’re only swallowing the product briefly but as someone who’s tried many multivitamins and other supplements, I can taste it extremely important as a factor for how consistently I use a product.

If I want to vomit after using something and it takes 5 minutes to mentally prepare to swallow something I’m just going to use a different product or different delivery method.

The taste is bland so definitely not overtly enjoyable. Compared to some of the main competition in the space it’s really not an offender in this category which is amazing.


Overall if you have UC, IBS, or any of the other ailments listed in the scientific studies on their website I would 100% look into this.

I find that compared to other more generalized probiotics this heavy-duty formula seems to really make a noticeable difference for my daily quality of life. Even if the other products have the same health benefits inside I’d still use this for the subjective way I feel.

Digestion and bowel movements are heavily improved, less bloating after meals, etc.

If you are just looking to improve gut health in general and aren’t looking for a medical-grade product I would suggest some of the other more general brands first and see how those work with you. 

The product is expensive so I wouldn’t take it unless it really made a difference in my life.

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