Hardmaxing is a community dedicated to providing high-quality, scientific-based information on health, enhancing appearances, and success in life overall.

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  • Optimal Time to Take Probiotics: 4 Great Studies

    I recently wrote a review on the Visbiome GI Care probiotic and I had a reader comment asking for any tips on the optimal time to take probiotics. I had wondered this myself many times in the past and I was especially curious about what happened related to if you eat food with your probiotic…

  • Best Finasteride Dose: Scalp & Serum DHT (2 Studies)

    The Best Finasteride Dose and schedule are often heavily debated and people love to stick with the general guidelines of 1 mg orally.  However, as I’ve discussed previously in my post on microdosing topical finasteride I learned there’s so much room for customizability here it’s just that people aren’t aware of the options. For example,…

  • Marek Health Review: Best Labs Site?

    Whether you’re a biohacker, health optimizer, fitness enthusiast, or a bodybuilder you may have wondered at some point: what’s the best online service for blood labs and health optimization? This post will help to give you an idea – I’ll be giving you an unbiased Marek Health Review – I purchased their complete lab panel…

  • My Fasting Experience(s): 3 Fasts, Great Results

    You might’ve heard about fasting, intermittent fasting, fasting mimicking diets, and water fasts, and been confused about why someone would intentionally not eat food – crazy right? Maybe not. I discuss why I started fasting, my experience, basic information, and tips for you – basically my fasting experience. For a general overview of the health…

  • Diet and Cancer Prevention: Best Foods

    I recently wrote about things you should avoid in “Diet and Cancer: Part 1 – Foods to Avoid” but you might be wondering “What can I eat” or “What foods might help actively strengthen my health” – these are great questions that this post will cover in depth. From specific nutrients to the gut microbiome…

  • Diet and Cancer Prevention: Worst Foods

    As you may know – cancer is one of the “four horsemen” of disease for people in developed countries and is even starting to plague lower-income countries more and more as well. What role does diet play in this? In this series of articles we will discuss overall concepts of foods to avoid, good foods…

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