Xyon Health Topical Finasteride Review: Amazing or Not?

Xyon Health Topical Finasteride

I am constantly experimenting with different hair loss treatments. My personal goal is to achieve the best results for my hair with the least amount of systemic exposure or negative impacts on normal physiologic function (mainly sexual and neurological).

I am currently microdosing topical finasteride using my own diluted solution from a different company but today I want to talk about the Xyon Health Topical Finasteride as it will provide some value and insight for those interested in the product. 

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Xyon Health Topical Finasteride

The main reason you would even be interested in this product is because it is a topical finasteride featuring “SiloxysSystem™” gel which aims to deliver a controlled release over time as well as offering better precision in terms of where the product gets delivered, meaning it aims to stay more concentrated in the scalp.

In theory, this means that the Xyon Health topical finasteride will be more likely to stay in the scalp and less of it will be absorbed systemically throughout the entire body.

The product is offered by Xyon Health, a telemedicine company offering a variety of hair loss solutions for both men and women. The company was founded in part by Dr. Victor Hasson, a popular hair transplant surgeon based in Canada. They service customers in the US and Canada.

The product costs around $300 for 3 months of use which is expensive, but for the innovation provided it is worth it for those looking for a solution like this. You can’t expect a highly niche product designed for optimal delivery to be as cheap as a generic product. You also have to account for the fact that this company is extremely reputable and offers high-quality products alongside outstanding customer support.

All that peace of mind in all of those areas is worth every penny in my opinion.

My Experience

When I finally decided to start finasteride after avoiding treatment for around 2 years I knew I wanted a topical product. See my logic on why in this post. Xyon Health was one of the few reputable companies offering a topical finasteride solution without minoxidil – that’s why I chose the Xyon Health topical finasteride.

The advanced gel technology for limited absorption was a bonus but was also something I was excited about – the creator envisioned and brought to life a goal that I also had: limit systemic exposure while still providing an effective solution targeting the root cause of hair loss, perfect!

Their product contains roughly 25 mg of finasteride per dose (it is 2.5%). I confirmed this multiple times with them because I was confused at first (it is a large dose compared to standard delivery solutions). Xyon states that this dose is optimal based on studies done by Dr. Hasson. The logic is that systemic absorption is limited and delayed over some time via the proprietary gel technology so the dose is the perfect combination of being safe and effective.

This does seem like a huge dose but comparing the silicone gel delivery method to an alcohol delivery method will be somewhat different. The product is designed to specifically delay and localize the release of medication. To what extent I’m unsure, however, I do know that topical finasteride is nearly as effective as oral solutions given the same dose, and even .1 – .6 mg topically is effective. Comparing different delivery methods you should expect different dosing amounts.

For more information and clarity about the logic behind the formulation check out this article from Xyon Health themselves. They explain much better than I could.

I ended up using the product 3 days a week to start. I wanted to cover all of my scalp but still receive the lowest amounts of product possible. Unfortunately, I couldn’t dilute a gel solution so I was stuck with their dose unless I wanted to not cover my entire scalp.

This dosage probably works for a lot of their customers, for me though, I experienced some side effects that made me want to discontinue using the product such as slight breast swelling and reduced EQ, sensation. In terms of positives I experienced insane amounts of hair regrowth in just 1.5 months of use with this product – I was able to see globs upon globs of baby hairs filling in my exact hairline and temples that were previously missing. I was expecting this though because I am a diffuse thinner (we seem to respond to medication extremely well).

I was amazed at the regrowth but ultimately decided to take a break and try something else due to the side effects I experienced. It wasn’t the worst thing in the world, but not something I wanted to continue using when I had other options at hand. As I mentioned, I now source a 2.5 mg topical finasteride solution from a different compounding pharmacy and dilute it myself to .25 mg per dose.

I don’t want to make it seem like I’m saying the product itself is bad at all because it didn’t work for me 100% like how I wanted – I didn’t have an optimal reaction personally but I do still think for most people looking for both strength and less systemic absorption this would be a great product to try. I can trust this product because it is both reputable and efficacious, which is important for me.


So while I didn’t have the optimal experience I was hoping for, I’m not against this product at all. I think both Xyon Health and the Xyon Health topical finasteride an amazing companies and products in this space and they provide a technology that can help a majority of people. It’s great to see someone innovating and providing new value in the space.

Just like how some people prefer to avoid oral finasteride, others may not want to microdose either like I do because they need more efficacy. For example, if you are facing hair loss at a later stage and have lots of hair to recover but still want to avoid oral medication, this is something I would try. Hair loss is extremely individual and I hope this post gave you great information about a potential tool you can use for hair loss.

They also recently formulated topical dutasteride with the same technology and a slightly lower dose. This could be something to try as well because we do know dutasteride has a molecular weight that may be more suited to less systemic absorption. This combined with the gel technology may provide an optimal solution. I can test it in the future with blood work data if that is of interest.

As always, good luck!

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